Saturday, June 16, 2007

Photo Hunt: Hair

This week's theme: HAIR

I posted this picture of my hair before, but I just didn't feel like taking a picture of my hair today, so you get a rerun.

But, in keeping with the premise of this blog, taking a picture every day, here are the pics of the cats I snapped today. After all, they have hair too. I know this because it ends up on all my clothes.
Neko loves to sprawl out:

I can't believe Neko was able to get this close to Celeste without her going berzerk. The truce lasted just long enough for me to get the shot.


Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

No outfit is complete if it does not have cat hair.
Cute Kitty-Cats!

Anonymous said...

what a great set of photos!!

Paulie said...

I never thought of a self portrait of my hair. I like kitty cats also but have none now. Come see my entry. . .

Journo June aka MamaBear said...

Very nice hairdo. Love the color!
Nice kitty pics.

-tnchick- said...

the top cat photo reminds me a lot of my childhood cat, wus! =0