Saturday, April 21, 2007


This week's theme: Steps

I went the boring, predictable route with this one. These are the steps up to our front door. I thought about posting a recipe with pics of each step or something like that, but I just didn't have the motivation.


Gattina said...

There are a lot of leaves on the side of your steps, lol ! Should we all come over with a broom ?

Lynn said...

The colored bricks with the unswept wilted leaves did just fine for this week's theme. :)

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Nice photo! I like the path leading up and the leaves :)
Happy Hunting!

srp said...

It is amazing to see how many different materials steps and stairs are made out of... here, brick.

Andree said...

Any steps to a home are important: what is more important than home? They are lovely and "homey"!