Saturday, March 31, 2007


This is the best idea and also the worst mistake ever. Our cats' water dish. It holds a lot of water, but the problem is that our cats have figured out how to take the tank off the dish and soak the floor.

Previous water pictures can be found here, here and here.

Expect more exciting water pics to be posted in May when we finally go on our honeymoon - (only 7 years late!).


Laura Brown said...

Happy Honeymoon! Hope you are going somewhere great.

Lynn said...

Wise cats eh. :)

~Jennifer said...

LOL! My parents have a cat that knocks over anything left out with water in it. You can't leave a vase with flowers, a drinking glass, or anything on the counter or table. He just loves to tip 'em over.

Anonymous said...

LMAO... I use one similar to yours for our ferrets... they do the same thing!!! Love your take on the challenge! I try to do outside the norm as well!

srp said...

We have a fountain for the cats. Ours must not be as smart as yours, they have never tipped it over... but I have one who likes to put red pipe cleaners in it.